Monday, August 15, 2011

Thanksgiving in Georgia

Last year, my father-in-law rented land in Georgia for hunting along with a cabin in a nearby farm. I had never been to Georgia and right in the middle of fall the Georgia country side was beautiful. Pablo and I are animal lovers so we didn't do any hunting, but we did explore all the land around us and enjoyed everything the outdoors had for us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ricky & Rosy

I work with some pretty awesome people and Ricky is one of them. I was taking a black and white film photography class at Miami Dade and the class required me to take a lot of pictures. Ricky had told me he was going to get married so I offered to take his engagement shoot. They have to be the funnest people to take pictures of. They made me laugh, they made each other laugh. They are a pretty awesome couple.

I am Back

I have been gone for a while. Since my last post in April I had been really busy planning my wedding in June. Yes I got married to the love of my life and my high school sweetheart. Since than its been a little crazy moving in, starting this life together. Getting use to the the whole "wife" thing. Now I can say I think I got it down packed :) For the most part. So its back to what I love.

I am going to just bombard you with a lot of post of some of my old stuff and a couple of my new stuff.

So Enjoy.

Natasha  Lopez

June 20, 2010